
लड़का होगा या लड़की, प्रेग्नेंसी में गरम चीज़ें न खाऐं,लोहा साथ रखें,सफर करें या नहीं | जानिए प्रेग्नेंसी से जुड़े अंधविश्वास इस विडियो में | Mostly Mom

2021-08-08 12 Dailymotion

Will you deliver a baby boy or girl?
Do not travel in the 8th month.
Don't take stress, take rest, otherwise you would have a premature delivery.
Do not eat papaya, dry fruits etc.

Are you still on to these myths of pregnancy?
Expecting a baby?
Know truth behind the pregnancy myths!

Watch this video to get information on popular pregnancy myths and the truth behind.
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Have a look on some more pregnancy and child care videos here:

How to care in first trimester of pregnancy- https://youtu.be/Ye34_Pm5pJU

Bursting pregnancy myths- https://youtu.be/QxjwoiO7rqc

Top 5 moisturizers for babies during summers- https://youtu.be/PinZ9XeU2pA

Cloth diaper or disposable diaper- https://youtu.be/zoMXBL-sPJU

How to protect your kids from rashes- https://youtu.be/VUwd9JFdcto

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#mostlymom #kidzcoaster